
Smartphone and post-production (online)

Advanced workshop to deepen initial experience in video shooting and editing. In addition to the basic course “Video production with the smartphone”, this course focuses on advanced options for putting the finishing touches to your video. How do you break down a storyline into three to five shots? How do I add interviewees and dialogue partners
visually into my video? Which additional apps help me to create title animations or belly bands, for example, and thus expand the scope of the editing programme?
How can I use all or part of my clips for other channels? The workshop is aimed at those who already have some experience in filming with a smartphone or
have taken part in our “Video production with the smartphone” workshop. The speaker is Ilona Aziz, visuell Kommunizieren, Hamburg. There is a participation fee of €90 plus VAT, students €60 plus VAT.
Number of participants max. 20 persons


Date: 16.09.2024

Time: 9 am – 5 pm

Registration until 12 September 2024 here

27.09. & 28.09.2024

The BarCamp is an open conference that offers space to bring in your own topics, discuss them, offer workshops or attend them.
The content of the BarCamp is determined by the participants themselves in the session planning at the beginning of the BarCamp. Afterwards, several sessions will always take place simultaneously, each lasting 45 minutes. In between and around the sessions, there will of course be enough time for breaks and relaxation.

More information

Date:27.09. & 28.09.2024

Location: EMMA – Creative Centre


Individual coaching

The individual coaching sessions are aimed at self-employed people in the creative sector at all stages of their business. In 60 minutes, individual issues relating to your own company can be discussed, from reviewing the business plan and developing marketing and sales strategies to preparing a pitch. The coach is Sandra Volz, Managing Director of FCC – Karrierefabrik, Pforzheim. The participation fee is 30€ plus VAT.


Time: 10:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m.

Further dates on request at info@emma-pf.de

Registration at: https://veranstaltungen.emma-pf.de/?post_type=amc_events&p=3357


Law in online marketing

Quickly put something online and the problem is there: The internet, mobile apps and social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube harbour legal risks. For example, they offer the opportunity to identify and target users based on data-based insights. The seminar provides a comprehensive overview and numerous tips, checklists and examples directly from counselling practice. The aim is to avoid typical mistakes in the future. The seminar covers topics such as copyright basics, licence agreements, rights to one’s own image, social media & law or legal requirements for cookies, tracking etc. Speakers: Dr Carsten Ulbricht, Menold Bezler Rechtsanwälte
Partnership, Stuttgart. There is a participation fee of 70 € plus VAT, students 50 € plus VAT and a maximum number of 15 participants

Date: 13 November 2024

Time: 2-6 pm

Registration until 7 November 2024 here


IHK/ HWK start-up counselling day

The advice days organised by the IHK Nordschwarzwald / Karlsruhe Chamber of Crafts are aimed at anyone interested in setting up their own business in the foreseeable future. In addition to information on creating a start-up concept and utilising public funding, participants are informed about legal and tax aspects as well as the procedure for setting up a business and receive comprehensive information material. Participation fee of 50€.



Time: 13:30 – 17:30

Registration under: IHK/HWK – Start-up consultation day